About Integral Risk Advisors | Training Courses


Integral Risk Advisors is providers of Client-focused training in skills development and expertise for industry and mining in the areas of safety, materials handling, construction and road transport.


As a Southern African organization we respect the challenges, opportunities and limitations of national economic resources. First and foremost our endeavours are to ensure that we grow our customer base in order to assist with the education of our population, strengthening management and contributing to the disciplined self-management of every South African in the Occupational Health and Safety and Loss Control fields.


To provide on-site training services to corporate business and mining in Occupational Health and Safety. Integral Risk Advisors® provides training which is a legal requirement in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85/1993 and will issue certificates of training/competency which are valid for two years in terms of the Act.


Integral Risk Advisors believes that risk management is an integrated process vital to organizations in terms of its functional contribution and necessity. Not only has the legal system been addressed to sharpen practices and procedures in this regard, but also management awareness towards a practicable but scientific risk management process is the order of the day.

To achieve our objectives we acknowledge the organizational difference between financial and risk control. The latter is the area of life and asset preservation.

We subscribe to the principles of applying morality, and accuracy in our approach, avoiding speculation by being practical, in order to provide a professional Occupational Risk Management service to our clients.

The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process through which formal, non-formal and informal learning are measured, mediated for recognition across different contexts and certified against the requirements for credit, access, inclusion or advancement in the formal education and training system or workplace.